The Lazy Man's Profit
I hear the tale that I never care what the US view of terrorism is and that it is the main issue which of course I don’t and don’t care actually what the US view of terrorism is; I mean you are allied to a bigger Country if you are certain it can help you deal with bad things in your Country not one that mixes Scottish Nationalism with Terrorism in the Middle East then asks you for answers, even now the popular culture cannot do anymore except claims that I write books that encourage the breakup of the US Union, it has now reached a point where it has become a self fulfilling prophesy to ensure the Union there is stronger by violence and attrition and not the way it was of which leads us to the same old story where people are not supposed to do it when you don’t want it done and hence the whole process of accusing and then attacking me is meant to cover their tracks while they do. So it does get to a stage where it ceases to be as amusing as they like to imagine of course and naturally I have no idea what it is that dredges up this sense I am interested in what the American view of anything in the world really is anyway – the bit where I write books that makes me friend of republicans when they are the women side of American society who need the protection of their warrior men and nobody knows who I am.
It’s another question here about whether that was pre-planned too which it wasn’t, just a case of grooming me for their insults and ending up with a reputation for complaining about those who kick them for it – considering racism is everybody else’s problem and disobedient whacking royal prince over the head for self improvements which were amazing has become a mini sub culture. It can be pre-planned too if they wanted. They do say their version of Police officers in the US are after me and I can understand too – I mean one Office will stand in the Middle of Streets doing his job and notice a thousand secretaries that work a thousand bosses in the city centre walk past him – that will be normalcy and then you with your passion for corruption that you clearly have a talent for will walk past him as aspiring to gangs and when he roughs you up you think your own explanation will fly at the Law Court and when it doesn’t you riot, when that does not work you have your own Police Officers recruited and set out to target me not hurting badly enough yet. It seems to them that people can never have enough of them, hence they have got their own officers after me just like that and we are not talking popular culture music to savage my finances and help an evil idiot into my Empire to make money on account I have exposed him to the light, that was when they were playing with me the anus and penis insults.
It is never really clear where the tales that I work with Politicians come from, its only one of those things which measure whether or not I feel that I am exerting myself or not but I am certainly not working with Politicians who are fond of abusing me in sexual context when I am not behaving the way they want and in their interest and really enjoy doing things to me that is filially expensive only to turn out in public and succeed me by mob justice after cutting me off from family life – I have no idea where their tales that I am working with them comes from. It’s obviously the usage Empires and Politicians - Idea made out I simply exist to create markets for them and it’s not clear how far they need to go to show they are out of my league but their vandalism will be settled their way or mine before it stops.
They do say I like to set myself out as a plus for the economy but am actually a real problem and this is something I think they are not ready to discuss because it is not clear how lazy mans profit leads them ranging from shops to the banks to expect me to come round for custom so they can employ trouble makers and blame me for what happens – not clear how I am supposed to go to them for custom if I have no money and not clear how I get the money without a job; it has always been a simple matter of the fact they cannot leave people alone and do what they do to tell me I like to challenge people to a war because they feel they have a tendency to not leave others alone that is untouchable and I will deal with them in such ways as it does not affect other peoples too and for every time it does I will clean it up in case I get beaten up by them it will always mean that they lose. The more serious matters are that the Industry ones and Politicians are very fond of the part where I set up my Book shop and they want to plug products into it to get rich creating this outcome where they are being made to handle their own aptitudes and leave me alone as well i.e. they always get me no matter what I do, since once I am finished with big business they are off to media and its either sexual abuse or child abuse or poverty or freedom or anything but the reason for those problems will always be that they want to get their hands on my earnings – so it’s an old story where women are better at home and men are better out there working for their money which leads to things they do that amount to insolence that must be settled as per what it means and not as per how angry it can make people and if I don’t know what it means I will always ask them or make them talk which is usually the point where they get to show me how tough they are at every end as well. We do hear them say I capitulate before Politicians and if I didn’t I know I would get into trouble but this is why people intrude and dash my fortunes of course, so they can threaten me and make me react them beat me up for trophy wins that get them off the beaten track – it’s nothing new but I don’t do anything I do when I meet people for every time I step outside of my door so Politicians and their society idiots can make use of it, I have told them I have trouble having relationships with members of my family because of it but they continue because they are fucking bastards, bastards making use of it in the most insulting and abusive way they could possibly imagine. It will be embarrassing for them if they sat down and came up with a plan to sell their products while I have all that my stuff going on and they know they can handle me and take it with a big mouth and now they pretend they are ready to discuss the bit where I am such a problem for the economy as well; they always say the bad things in their lives will get them if I prevent them from doing it but that is also the reason their Politicians need to get onto government houses to make out religion is the problem of the world, so that when that part is covered they can do as they please.
They need to express their hatred for everything I do in some way and it is up to the Industries to decide what they wish to do with me and with them in UK plc not up to me – I have always decided I sell Books and people sell products all over while they are there to make connections first and decide what they want to sell later on and I don’t get to solve it for those who want to find ways of making me work without pay; they get involved with an author only if they like his work and wish to buy. They do make out in live in a lazy mans popular culture, media, politics and celebrity culture profit making Country and it isn’t true in the slightest; the truth is that for every profit that fashion idiot and popular culture idiot and media idiot and politician have extracted from my purse by creating problems that get it spent on them they always leave 80% of the work undone half the time because they are clueless and the other half the time because they cannot be bothered and it’s not like I have a history of making them so they can seek protection from the Politicians anyway all that delusion. It was the same delusion with Tony Blair and then Gordon Brown after him and now that stupid Labour Party is in opposition it is getting more violent as well, while the Conservatives think when they do it others will tend to agree with them that they actually can – it has come up because I have been labelled the problem for the economy that is being hailed as the best thing that happened to it and I don’t think they are ready to discuss the matter at all. It’s nothing new – they have always had a need to explore the bubble that exists between them and their prisons, they have always had a need to deploy it to corrupt and destroy peoples children who have a promising future, in order to steal glorious personal life and they like to target me every day as such because they think I am the biggest problem the economy faces? It’s just that we have come to the stage where they will likely tell me racism is my problem and then find me on the side of the racists none of which was my idea anyway, since I for my part have never seen a black racist in my life – where it starts to kick off is that I walk around their city like I am their boss for knowing more than they do and for being introverted, that is where this whole fight began. I have made myself clear about that too and the bit where I am always flustered but like to brag about what I can do to them when I can do nothing if they have power over what I am like when I am resting and therefore want it and to own the spiritualities and temperaments of it and the fight that will brew from it is obviously only collateral damage. I am not a danger to them in anyway; they need to stop wrecking places in which I find it easier to get employment since everybody knows that they will definitely milk it for power and piss me off in the process – after all being their spare resources when they have not planned properly how they are going to pay their bills is actually how I got to walk around their fucking City like I am their boss in the first place. I mean I can be thinking it’s not worth paying attention to, I can be thinking it’s a matter of how much work I put into what I do but then the abuses and destruction will happen to secure my attention and make me give up to them the latest point of growth and giving this information has not done them any good in a decade so far it’s just that every process of making me give them leave me with an outcome where I do not have the right to feel good.
So there is that question of whether or not rugby players are the right role model that has just made it to National television and it will never be obvious what those kinds of questions are meant to solve anyway or what they are after but if I said peoples connections with Industries is a threat to my health and safety and well being they would say I am a threat to human rights considering how my success exposes them to men that are really powerful who were their friends but are not anymore; since we all know if you frequent travelling to New Zealand and Australia and the Asian Peninsulas and the British Isles you will likely think Rugby Players are the Bees Knees but if you do to Billerica or Marbella and Spanish Resorts, you will likely think Football players are. It is an example of idiots making up their own version of what the world is like with media and violence which always leaves other people unemployed and the Countries that suffer most from it are Australia that is a Western Country for instance but has most of its trading links with Japan and other Eastern Countries like Russia and China and so the Nature of the Country is determined by that, which is much the same with New Zealand and so on but for me I am always on this let me at them mode because everything they do is built on hurting me and extracting an income from my market place and the perks of my Job. So when it comes to it they speak of inequality and why they will never stop hurting me which I don’t mind as the biggest barrier to my Book sales these days is the fact their hurting me gets to me people notice an explanation they give when they handle my possessions which says I am not necessarily happy with the products I have put out and of course that I am afraid at all times, so people are delayed from buying and I cannot get a job done – it will lead to an outcome whereby I will resolve all these matters and then the one question of whether or not their need to hurt me has to come to an end will become the only one left. It has never been an emotive issue I mean for instance an idiot will get stitched up by a really good friend and run her time on the run way for instance and take home 1.5 million pounds but the situation that has never changed will continue to remain i.e. you notice the difference between when you are being lazy and when you are working for your needs and see that for them that condition in which they are lazy is a habit well protected by bitterness and that they exist in that condition 24/7, so that all these things are therefore happen because of their talent for survival and you will continue to blame the health effects on other things until your body shuts down or you die from organ disease; the outcome which is that she will take home a million and a half cashing into my property and the perks of my Job but the particular item concerned with that process by which he has taken the money as a job will have over 95% undone or unfinished – as she and her friends then set about attacking and abusing me as a function of what black people get up to somewhere in Africa and how it affects her exhibitionism of herself; while the fact that 95% of the job still remains undone is not the only problem I am left with but the fact she also has a serious problem with my Book sales, knowing perfectly that the Books happen to the one thing she can buy to learn how to get a job done for which she has taken home millions already at present because she needs to ensure I cannot make a living so she can handle me like I was an item; so this is how my problem with them develops and they can always ask again if they think Rugby players are a role model.