There is the thing about Celebrities and Politicians, not unusual though, I have always thought the Politicians were the people to be worried about when it came to the sense there was power in my career and people would decide I can have the financial well being when they were finished fooling around with it but it seems that the contrast is that the only time I clashed with Politicians was when they were asking businesses to help curtail my financial well being which businesses do not have the means to go too far with but always had a way to show they were uncomfortable with my idea on how to get about with the Politicians, except for the trouble maker politicians that is, who decided they wanted to set out areas of foreign Policy that can be set towards a time that the UK would be a republic when they had to do their jobs well enough to decide if somebody had done so much wrong at the executive that it needed to be altered to such an extent, considering that they were not running for their lives and members of the public were not starving, to speak of certain fundamental issues. The Celebrities on the other hand have gone about building a profile as a low life who is below criminals that were more willing to take a chance and make money to be happy, now they are back seeking access to my personality with an abusive process that worked on the same mentality, which after the alliance with the Scorpio Virgo duo because they love to read birth signs and abuse people, their gimmicks had backfired so badly that they want official authorities to set out for them, the way in which the things they had to do to maintain the profile for the wickedness they spent their time on, had to become a main concern of mine but furthermore, it gets out of this profile to investigate my career network, attack any bubbles where I may work with others to pay my way in the world the same way it picks up my income margins to pay its own, which is the last of the famous stupidities that I can tolerate at this stage. The warnings are that I am no longer a young person as such and it does love to express the stupid delusion that they had the upper hand which they don’t, especially considering the cause of all this is that it would not sit very well with people at the Monarchy, that fundamental premise upon which I worked was the sense that others were less important but of course that was the main problem here as the Celebrities always needed to build a support crowd that helped them take advantage of a sense I might have made the mistake of thinking them more important than I am every day, the stress is incredible when I had not hurt it mortally yet. It understands a warning I suppose then, that I will not tolerate instances where its need to fool around with my career publicity meant that clients upon contact with my Books faced threats from the public associated with its lifestyle and personal decisions, which is the thing we are doing here considering its upper hand. The rest of the time we found its stupidities working with Politicians sympathetic to its fame gimmicks, showing up here to make a mess endlessly and it will build up to defence tiredness because the enemy was conversing with security services operatives like the people at Home did, which I then had to tidy up after which I then had to tidy up all the time, never mind the fact my position originally was to do with the enemy incurring its own defence tiredness by dabbling into western interests all together, it will show up like that to make a mess on this front, create some causalities and expect to bail out – the other side of its need to make a mess and bail out with respect to terrorism involved getting me to fight for and protect their famous stupidities because they thought they were more important and needed to make sense of what I am doing before I am allowed to do it and even upon realising that they were likely to undo work that was done concerning rogue characters that got involved with the social lives of politicians and had their own point about society narcissism, which was the work that was done to control localised and overseas terrorism, they will continue never the less, upon making enough of the mess, had set out on an alliance with the terrorist characters that could make the most of instances where they felt like screwing peoples career publicity on media, shooting off the big mouth, never takes a hint, says people I died and I do wonder what its stupidities were thinking all along anyway. I had started my own idiots running my life with the social activities of criminals responses for my part as well anyway – fuck that more will be the question on whether their families were doing the national service in this country and fuck will be the part where I interfere with sleeping patterns as well, when I do begin what they complained about the first time around all over again, this time, I will ever stop if the entire world wanted me to as it were. I could never tell if it learns its lesson when its people take up jobs at the Military, get hurt and show up to bother them, so they turned up here talking nonsense: that it was an environment in which people worked public security and another worked it in a manner which created problems for the future, the government had a covenant with the military naturally but when people faced their last moments they were most likely to be honest about what they were really doing as such, we know it builds up to something the executive needed to tidy up and that the announcement that the famous will not stop handling me or showering me with insults if they were complaining about people they were close to coming into harms way, does not make any sense. They do shoot off the big mouth that I had made sense of their social problems like they claim they were confident that they were more important, whilst we know that they were better off being on the side of criminals as well as law enforcement because they had never once made a decision with respect to their careers being kept at a distance from what the Prison services did, whilst an Arch Prince needed to ensure the corner stone for everything he did took such a form – their social problems being the instances where they picked up my career publicity disobediently to make sense of their ageist and race Politics where the men ran me down because I am likely to be educated about policy on how to treat women after years of abusing women and the women trashed my career publicity to make stupid statements about being more important due to the persons they got into bed with, their parents urging them on over claims they had beaten me down in the past and needed to do again on account their stupidities were famous, it is being done because they plan to get rid of the problem I guess, the mystery that people had died and I am set to get into trouble lip flapping endlessly, as stupidly as possible. I do get told I appear to have had more control of what happened with my leadership and Office more than some people in similar positions do but I learned from the late Queen; it seems that some people needed to work public leadership and those who worked National security which the executive will never prioritise over the rest of the public had no space to grow but they would not take up the job themselves.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland