I am said to have said and written things I should not have said and written naturally. I could never tell what those were but we know the stress of an environment where the rest of us were engaged with people on a free platform that we worked in a financially sustainable way for those who owned it, speaking of social media, was not the same for them, as they had connections at the local offices that helped them trash peoples careers to get rich fast, collecting money from the wealthy by peddling the idea that attacking and doing damage to my property was profitable. The stress is incredible naturally and they claim that the stress I experience is what bakes their bacon well – I would like to clear up this section by pointing out their problem to be that when I engaged with people who wanted to take their mobility matters seriously, they were entitled to invite themselves into my concerns, even though they knew their parents were the people running abusive small neighbourhood businesses that allowed them to finger peoples bums all day long, hence entitled to look for trouble but we are not there yet, the stress caused me is what makes them rich – my problem on the other hand being that I have not yet done something about production line influencers showing up here to race each other to the millions on my earning margins, as insultingly as they can, such as will make me popular yet but I suppose they have had enough warnings even so. At the Monarchy they say the Country was a mess and I did not care whilst reality was more a matter of people claiming that the Queen was wrong about what she did and yet if we made sense of the Queens displeasure about people paying too much attention to the media in terms of the facts I have mentioned above, it would make a positive life changing sense. So now people need to figure out where the Queen was wrong, make their peace with it, then decide what they wanted to do as a matter of whether they have spent so much time doing the wrong thing that it was so difficult to do the right thing, that they needed somebody to suffer and perhaps die on their behalf, as to facilitate means for them to get onto a pedestal that they did not deserve. I mean working with people who want to take their mobility issues seriously for instance, never played into a sense that sooner or later, the need for finance, property, work, social life and personal life bullied, to face down somebody their size, would have become something Politicians wanted to talk about in extensive detail or they probably got the better of me, so I needed to work the patches.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland