I am informed that in terms of celebrities stealing my career and earnings, I had learned lessons about what I cannot do, which is utter nonsense naturally; we are talking about impudence and abuses that involved picking up my career publicity to get what they want on account that I set out a Bookshop and the fact I had to think about what others wanted when they paid for a service could be exploited by stupid yanks. The main problem however is this silly sense that one must think about their interests and that of their government office idiots in everything I do, which is not connected to reality in anyway but is needed so intensely that they made it up. The details are that it is almost pleasurable to see the way that it is not even those who decided to run my life with the social activities of criminals setting public policy but the criminals and ex-convicts themselves, the Americans claimed they hated British and that somebody had taken a career that was precious to them until they arrived at a stage where they were able to steal anything that they wanted naturally, however, they all had to order peoples steps, so they trashed the work that was done to protect the public from communist threats and terrorism, to get in league with Muslim men and Islamic terrorists who were their main point of preference for such abusive nonsense, to cling to my earnings and shoot off the big mouth on Media over claims I am afraid of my shadow and there was a public security problem. Personally however, I do not know why they enjoyed channelling their insults at me as though it was something to which their stupidities were entitled, only to suggest that a period in which I did not respond to it happens to have been the history of their foolish finance fraud fame existences.

They do claim Liberals and free people never stopped attacking me and boasting about what I am vulnerable to which I am really not; details are that these are a bunch of idiots who have never really taken anything seriously in their lives, this nonsense began the same way we see it today 19 years ago to 2023, at the time it was simple talent attributed to my person and they had decided their understanding of my career was that they had problems I was going to solve with it and that I can be relied upon to fight their enemies like they have always dreamed. Follows me about until I dropped out of University, now facing difficulties with my finances and it had since gone on to employ rogue landlords that will continue to enforce this will, right up to the scum in parliament. So I do need to control the market takings for my Bookshop, in terms of the fact that neither they or their children have a license to shower me with insults or I will begin to attack their careers and finances directly too – it loves to shoot off its big mouth and will not fool around somewhere else but what we are dealing with is the way that people understand my personality to mean that I write Books but each time I stepped outside of my door, the abuses and practical jokes meant that their homes were comfortable, their finances looked better than mine, they had a personal and social life which decided where I ought to exist and the fact I wrote Books for a living had to be changed, then their Muslim and Asiatic real men friends made it into something that happened 24/7 whether or not I stepped outside of my door, I mean its famous idiots arrived at a stage where I am a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy because companies outsourced intellectual property administration to me and I had to stand by the companies whenever they were in talks with clients. I need to get in control of market takings for my Bookshop or I will single out each career and finances and ensure I devised a way to attack it that I can leave lying around for criminals and extremists too. Any missing details would be that it claimed the stupid community was its civil right and the gits that show up to lip flap about the ways I stood up for myself would suggest they had not seen it being built up to order my steps and get me deploying my career to serve them while my Bills remained unpaid, progressing to practical jokes associated with sex and promises.

History is: Between 2007 and 2012, it was still a race to breach my patents to such an extent these idiots and their silly parents could decide how the public responded to my products at the Hermitage, each time I sat back to work on the market takings and potential of my Bookshop, the feelings that the Politicians eventually were made to pay attention to, was not that of gits with a media presence who thought they were famous or abusive ageist parents and their talentless twats who had ideas about running people down on realising retirement was something human beings did or the lout money maker gits of the middle classes ripping up my social life and churning my tummy as they worked towards a scenario in which nothing I owned was out of bounds, we heard that there were people better than I am whom I tried to control, 7 years later the Bookshop had completely stalled with ideas running around that my problem came from the Monarchy of which if it did, I did not see that it was a problem as the main issue was to do with the way that a bunch of fools with houses were rogue landlords dreaming of a publicity based distance between my career and the media, so they can steal it which means I rent spaces and had no privacy or wellbeing, sending out their criminal low lives they rented space close to me with, to run me down, whilst another group of fools got on media to order my steps over what I might do because of it. The question then arises as to whether others had control or I did of which the answer was that save these fools that have not yet learned to stay away from my Bookshop complaining every day, we lived in a world where everything that has been bothering me is now officially out of its depth, featuring the trouble makers at the Monarchy complaining that they were marrying rich goons who were so stupid it was criminal into the Monarchy because they wanted to enhance their disposition as gold diggers and when the top authorities got involved with it, they had to tidy up the public mess, while their behaviour towards me had come to suggest they were fed up with their own practical jokes right up to the private parts handling bits and the smell issues. Official position is that I get to control the market taking for my Bookshop or we get to find out what becomes of the idea they had seen me lose my temper and that I am a coward they can do with as they please, when I research their careers with intent to trash it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland