Now on the story of being insulted and abused by the Court, there has never been any such thing; the reality rather is that they do think of spending more time on pleasure than they do on business and it is not how I feel for my part for most of the time. So the matter is always better understood when it comes to Politicians and their story about settling who is boss between me and elected leaders which has nothing to do with anything as each time they feel free to set out public campaigns that rally mobs and help them intrude into my concerns to vandalise what they like then stand up in public and rob it in my face and call me names like boy to feel like fathers and all other forms of subtle nepotism and racism, we will always end up with a case of what happens and what does not happen, rather than a case of what I said and what hysteria things must be made to run on recently. Industries however always say I need a closer relationship but it is not actually good for business i.e. what I do is run a Royal Office and set out what motivates me in a book for my fans all over the world to buy and motivate themselves too, so for the Politicians I don’t know what brings the vandalism on, perhaps it is all about how desperately people need my work and the things I do that are free of charge and for the Industries it simply is a matter of what point a 180 page preview of a 300 page book means that the product is forfeit for instance. They do mention others that I do nothing about of course but those are a group of idiots that will never change and can only pull of tricks of handling possessions of Royalty to exasperate them and sell things quickly to people to get rich within their own side of society and make themselves poorer for it, not least as the patents of my work are so airtight because I am Royalty and know everything about how that works. It’s like the suspension of a Mr Clarkson from the Hit BBC TV Programme Top Gear (11/2/2015), where he is said to have trivialised Drink driving by saying he has beer in car and in the cup holder etc as if yobs are not old enough to know they should not be doing such things and other people’s jobs are supposed to be in deployment to serve them as a result – or when he is said to have used a racial slur to describe a car that is mostly custom by a collection of black idiots with a need to chase peoples anus and penis and generally get around being a democratic menace to have other people’s lives as well due to a low tolerance they have when they are not selling things and therefore getting rich like others have magic that they are supposed to collect and get rich with or else without the producers taking any responsibility for the sequences they created to make that eventuality a reality etc.

Now it is never true as Politicians claim, that One is free to run around and do whatever he likes – yes The Monarchy does allow me this idea I can do whatever I like most of the time, so I am really spoiled but it does not work that way a lot of the times either; in terms of these Politicians however the reality has always been as stark as it is for the media i.e. for example what exactly does it mean or achieve to set people up to have their lives and possessions squandered even when you have to explain what you were doing when public work fails to get done to tax payer using wealth inequality stories – the part where people take and take and you make your status clear by taking from the heart and so on. So it is physically hurtful and they always like to make out they have got the part where people hurt them back as well covered; I need to get my books sold and it seems they are going to become a problem, otherwise it is mostly things they say in a condition where an imperative for me to act has not been created even though it is run on media to rip up my finances anyway and as I have always maintained they can say them where it really matters if they have the guts and then they will have to make time to beat up for real too. They do say there is a civil rights question that I never answer, which I have because it concerns their failure to meet the same level of success as their age mates who have had to work hard for their own and so because of how close they are to younger people they will rip up my life to give their foolish children an advantage, now that they have they want their own too and I am still in danger; so they do say I never leave other people’s children alone when it comes to the point of running a business properly while these little snakes are all over the Country bred from their families and targeting my livelihood to get a good feeling about life with their stupidities and the stark reality is generations of juveniles raised to consider some persons as unquestionably the problem of the world - the problem of the world which they really are but nobody is currently raising children to think so as well anyway - so we can see they have not got the slightest sense yet that they are looking for trouble. They do point to the provocative nature of my Books but of course it is the old case of the fact they should not be seen around Royal business if they are not Royalty and so there are people who think this pain I inflict when people do so create motivation for them and so I must put the equities in a book for those too and that is how I write the books. So it’s sort of sentence one and two and three and then there is a violent involvement from them of a sort based on their spiritual wickedness and an endless quest for villainy and trappings of power and therefore generally making sure some career paths people take that can be used against them are brought in line with any means of power they have to do so - hence sentence three becomes all about them and when exhausted the next sentence gets back to the main issues, so people think it is motivational to behave in that way and I put the equities into books for them and yes I hear I am not necessarily better off but that remains to be seen as there are no more bubbles between Politicians and the Prisons by which to push people’s children into crime and sit about rehabilitating them to get a good feeling about life in this Country anymore and that has happened as a result of threats they issue in my direction - a need for people to put their money where their mouth is (if I am angry, then it’s the bit where I am hounded and bullied and pushed into crime, then they can sit about rehabilitating me to get good feelings about life and it I am not angry and all religious and so on, then it’s the nice little thing from which to extricate a nice little earner and feel like whipping and beating all the time but it is the threats that distract me from my academic work and constitute a problem for them and their parliamentary corridor fat boys and girls - I am better off and they know it).

 They do say my Business is a massive sprawling nothingness that rips up everything in its path because I have government backed security at my disposal – it is utter nonsense because if I have a law firm and a manufacturing firm and a media firm at the emporium, what I say and do will involve those; these goons however have questions to answer as to what kinds of creatures get around like that using celebrity and popular culture to live in easy street with other people’s Public image. The reality is that if there isn’t something really good that gets in their face which they will never ever have, then it will never stop; I mean I come from a home where my parents were never unemployed and intend to make them understand the kinds of suffering they cause with that stupid Media and its Politics and their need to want something and target it until they either have it or destroy it to feel a sensation of having owned it..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland