They claim my sexual habits gets me into all the trouble there was but there was no sexual habit in the first place and I rather do like the whole thing continuing, as a matter of so called sexual habits that do not offend people who cared about me and their involvement causing it to offend them. It is the same story about its wickedness and the interest of the wickedness in my finances and career, developing into a matter of blocking my personal relationships and then when I block their own as well, it became the institutionalised thing that I did. It always turns out this way, I do not know why it does, I know the prognosis is its insolence showing up here to dig holes in any security that my personal property had, so it might be open to robbery, alongside its stupid media and famous idiots who never stopped performing such activities while claiming they were entitled to handle me or get involved with me – the effect being those stupid claims of careers I was entitled to on the basis of how brave I have been and who had been beaten up by me, while the foolish millionaires its stupidities were familiar with spent money on any gimmicks that will wreck my wealth equity and its assets to make them rich, the result being the same feel as those instances where one thing led to another and the lady ended up with a big tummy. The rest of it being when their modern narcissist stupidities were mad enough to tackle me and say they did it in person, none of their foolish activities of society gits sending people to run me down because everybody wants to make use of my security and then they made physical contact with me as well, beyond which it is mostly a matter of more insults from the idiots listed here and am expectation that they will not be complaining too much about responses from me.

They do eventually come forth to say that I am a low life that continued to do things they found irritating considering a comparison between my social life and their own would put them at the top, same as their incomes and careers and therefore all ought to see how much I did not have the right to do those things. We know however that low life or not with the famous idiots having a big mouth all the time, none of these would have happened if they stopped running me down with talk of the town insolence that was likely to wreck a marriage and get worse when the marriage was wrecked, wasting my time and delaying my career to get on my nerves, so they might build communities that will churn my tummy – it eventually ended in a University fiasco as we know and after that it should have ended but did not because the idiots claim they created me and now own me. This nonsense comes up again and again, waste time and get the victims careers involved with culture and society by exasperating them and then you can access it anyway and any time you wanted – the ones of the right hand side with their society want to ensure that they sealed the deal by getting into a fight with me and if I won they will return until they won, when they win it will remain – now we are dealing with the famous idiots who had money made from selling products with my PR and wealth equity and for reasons that they had made the money, the need to play weaker sex and get me off my career to get into a fight on their behalf, as a matter of how my body should be used, had developed into daily abuses they got so bold at they did not think they were doing anything wrong labelling me a low life who interfered with their very important careers, while we can clearly see how they might go about preventing this or any other so called low lives from doing so into the future. It loves to issue those threats all the time and the news is laden with people taking them off the streets to take drugs and get shot. The main crux of the matter is still that the process of resolving public matters had met with the schedule for resolving my financial matters, the thing now keeping the two together is not my schedule, it is a business of a handful of diiots with media presence, building me publicity to suggest that others could share my career, garnished by black gits and real men muslims corrupting private security industry to access my personal life for it – this has come on the back of the famous idiots having the sort of fun at my expense for 6 year prior, now it is becoming more of a threat because I had pointed out the desperation to get my bills paid whether or not they thought it was an opportunity for me to serve them, considering that I wanted to release money from my property equity by running a Bookshop. It then claims I interfere with their celebrity careers as well as they enjoy making fun from it; what we know being that they had been having much fun, getting to know my publishers, so that if they wanted anything off my career, a community could easily get imagination up my bum for it – since progressed to an inability to make sense of the fact if a producer was involved with me and they got a film or music role, it was a job and they were not entitled to anything in this place, never mind that they used to be entitled but I was not the person who changed it either. This is the stage where they set about pushing the issue into the future by building a new show business that involved me but I would be excluded from, to continue the practical jokes where I get them out of my concerns and they cling to some property of mine to get me out of theirs too – so we can see that if people had built up a sense that others were entitled to my career, on account they thought they were famous and I a low life, this was a preferable sort of daily activity, as far as they were concerned. In the end it comes down to a business of complaining about some men having been responsible for the epidemic of sexual abuse in entertainment industry and other works of life, picking up what I did with public mobility female journalists to sort it out and now wish to set me out as scapegoat in order to get back on the lap on those men – I feel as if at this stage, if it pushes me two more times as such, I will get out of this nonsense by burning the lives and careers of any famous idiot that trifled with me in anyway. I could never make sense of it anyway; they are now addicted to the way I got about the problem of society gits but at the same time they were out of my league and enjoyed ripping up my finances to feed an ego, the wealth equity system worked when younger people got involved with it to make popular culture about how passionate they were, the time that their need to get involved with peoples lives, feel entitled and make a mess such as these, got the Police involved, we know it worked when such music was run all day on the radio waves but my wealth equity was dismantled so the idiots may chase ownership of my finances as well. Then I am told that it was not as safe a system as I claim it was while it was mostly a matter of younger people doing it and picking up the social disposition, so the producer who lived in a world of gangland activity and played practical jokes of fledgling careers like their industry twats who run tribalism raids into top industry Offices did to run down my earnings every day, talking nonsense about the way I picked up a career that was too big for me, had to decide which one was more attractive to produce while I always had to keep an eye on my public life and property. We end up with the wrong narrative on matters of discrimination like these and for such matters all the time because these idiots believed in creating discriminative people, who could not be stopped but only managed by being provided victims which were tied down for them to do what they liked with, now deciding their famous stupidities were clear about which they thought was a low life and it had not yet stopped running its stupid concerns in terms of a dream of playing weaker sex civil rights stupidities to get me into a fight with others on its behalf, until it ended very badly. At the same time the stupid men who claimed they were nice people who worked hard to buy entertainment while I spent my time trying to rub shoulders with Celebrity, running off war stupidities on my Public life, had failed to decide what they wanted to do with the crime, resorted to Police racism, then failed to decide what they wanted to do with school shootings in America.

They do claim they have found me using swear words and so they never stopped attacking me for it, what really happens being their stupidities had developed into a career that dabbled into swear word issues, of which showing up here with their LGBTQ gits to tackle me is incredibly stupid and more so counterproductive on the swear words all together. It is as they say there is not a wrong or right answer on these matters which is incredibly stupid as we know it is a matter of their mismanagement of the gap between the prison service and their dream jobs; a bunch of very abusive fools who make the most of it by deciding they had fallen behind the nerds and needed a community of absolute scum who played with peoples lives and careers to catch up financially, which is where I really believe it will go from a stage where I talked about trashing my career to tackle sexual abuse and trashing it again to get back on the lap of the men who carried out the sexual abuse, to something of a response on my part which stopped their Liberal America stupidities playing with me so abusively more so, as a matter of one or two more instances of it. It does come across women who never stopped booing and mooing and cooing in the neighbourhoods and then it had to do something about those and jump on my chest all day, when its stupidities are not suggesting those were nice people buy show business while I spent time trying to rub shoulders with famous idiots who picked up my PR and income margins – soon it will realise those women probably lived in a neighbourhood where a riot had taken place, before homes were burned down which was inundated with gimmicks where you try to get to work and men put mobile phone cameras between your legs to photograph your panties, get imagination up your bum all day, then the gits who were complicit with it thought they had enough and rioted to burn down the home that was built – usually the stage where the idiots want to stop the women booing and mooing and cooing because their stupidities will then have wanted to pass exams in school. In my case they claim they got me doing strange things with my diet which is a myth, what they think they are doing with my diet is more of a behaviour that will get their stupidities fighting my wars when their parents decided they needed to end up in boot camp, blabbing about a need to stand up for themselves about which there isn’t a right or wrong answer. Eventually it is the story where its interest in my concerns results in a daily need to block my love life and personal relationships and when I block their own as well, I would have done something wrong in an institutional manner, the rest of it being the stupid threats that will be lived up to when they were mad enough to.

They do claim that my luck is soon to run out, but there is no luck here, the idea is incredibly stupid - what happens instead is a handful of really stupid characters issuing threats at me all the time, as a matter of what I can only assume is a bidding for a sense that if there was a dangerous side to me which allowed me thrive in Government business, they wanted to see what it looked like. It is a story that comes up all the time, whereby it goes into an Office in an Industrial complex, then simply refuses to do the work and turns out to tackle me, when other CEO pick me up like something they can play with on the streets, especially as per at such a stage the question will have arisen as to the reasons they got involved with business while they were terrified of market, it will then set about ripping up my Bookshop earnings. I do get asked if I made sense of it as a matter of magic which I do not; they usually believe they were upper class but are not - their game is to find money, enjoy the best food and the best life, prepare the body for pleasure and have lots of it, maybe set about making trouble for others as well, not preparation for pressures of state business like the upper class does. So the main facts were that it goes into an Office and simply refuses to do the work, it will then find a way to draw my attention and I will set out a five year period in which it will raise an issue over its behaviour and I will have a lot of fun at its expense on account that it was contrary that people did not get the benefits for doing no work like they thought it happened to be.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland