Now it is
said that I have completely lost all means of enforcing my authority and its
utter nonsense, as what most of these behaviours persist to beckon for is a
grid system, I must have built for the purpose of documenting every usual thing
they do to me and then devising an appropriate response for it. The Politicians
do ask about the reasons people behave in such ways, of which there is
currently no known means of deterring them but it has always been the business
of the Media first wanting to be the ones that control every publicity
associated with you hurtling down a rabbit hole to find Industry trouble makers
running off your career at the backyards of Industrial parks etc, but once done
with it alongside the issue with fat cats and Celebrities, they become the ones
to control you for everybody on a provisional basis in case somebody wants to
buy into it and hang around issuing very stupid and insulting, mostly race and
domination based abuses and insults to keep it going in the understanding that
you are likely to be terribly harmed and may want to respond to their stupid
ideas on how you should be used. It says if I took steps to ensure the Media
presence that facilitates every nonsense that adds up to ending up somewhere a
person makes sense of the insanity of their men with respect to what passes on
the left and the right and what their victims had lost, which then builds up to
a process where they linked the bullying with money making and every means to
stop it is followed up with reprisals that are developed on grounds of having
little to lose if they got into a fight with the victims who had everything to
lose – that if I stopped it, I would have been doing a terrible thing but this
business of being the ones to control me and sell it on a provisional basis in
case somebody wants in had really taken hold of my concerns in the last three
years or so and on no occasion where I have complained about it, have they
responded positively, of which I tend to complain about it every day as well,
due to the intensity. So the element of racism in it is not being denied but
the problem is that it does stir up identity consciousness and the stupidities
of it have always been that those whose business of dominance, abuse and
superiority is based on lies, stealing, handling people’s property and the land
will likely go up against those whose Britishness exists inside of them, which
is the reason race Politics is always a favourite game to play as it were –
when the Politicians say I am not British for instance, such statements would
not have pricked me at all 12 years ago, today after more than a decade of
exploring subjects I studied at school for the purpose of helping others get
ahead of me in life, while like what we see the stupid media perform, the idea
is that I exist to wait somewhere for things to happen to me continues, it has
become annoying enough to make it clear the part of their stupidities that are
usually most annoying is the idea when I do something a white man has to do it
as well especially if it had never been done before, stealing derivates and
destroying market in the process, hence very important they need get their own
and stop issuing the threat at me. The culture and society goons ended up with
the difficulties they face in my case today because they assume too much,
especially the right to handle other people’s children violently – when it gets
the imagination up your bum and you get yours up its own as well, it’s temper
was God’s gift to the world and for my part the start of its problems was the
fact I dropped out of University which has apparently proven to be a serious
matter after all – I am keen that they gamble what the Media and Celebrities
and Politicians have allowed them salvage from the way I wanted to handle that
stupid culture and society as well, if the threats will not cease and find out
what becomes of it. They however have said that what they do is what war looks
like and I too suppose that bearing in mind they complain about me every day,
they might have wanted to stop playing with me by now. So it all brings to
light the very evil nature and context of the insults we see Celebrities
exhibit, starting from the fact this whole nonsense was built up from the
abusive processes whereby they had promised to become more important than I am
using my Public image – so far, only their professions are doing this without
any salaries being shared or their families being updated daily of the nonsense
others have to put up with each day their stupidities attend to their daily
concerns and all I have done are the big ones who show up to make a mess of the
career, I think I am tough but wives and daughters can beat me up, the wives
and daughters that show up at University to seek ownership of the sociological
way I attend to my concerns, the lesbians that chase female lovers over my
academic work and wrecking it, only for them to seek out their more superior
friends from overseas and introduce that to their goons at the Monarchy who set
out a stage for the gimmicks at Buckingham Palace. If they blow off the big
mouth at me one more time, I am really going to get myself on a schedule to be
rid of everything that facilitates the business of winding me up and having a
means by which to work reprisals that support the theory that they would lose
nothing irrespective of what I suffered from their behaviour by first making
that stupid media exposure very irrelevant to the Public. The Celebrities have
always doubted that I can wreck the whole show business for them but all I
really must do is become hateful of the narcissism and partying which supports
it, since I now must choose between that and my career. They claim people cope
with this very well and yes that it is the case but we all respond differently
and this is why doing the incorrect thing to others while the correct thing was
glaringly obvious, progressing to remove every alternative argument is always
an intention to harm; the A graders appear to be completely insensitive to this
nonsense, the party goers appear to be insane, I rather know everything about
it, so playing with me over it at University will likely cause the tummy issue
and University drop out Prince will be the result.
I do get
told that according to the manner I handle these issues, they will never get
done but it is not the case either - the money Celebrities have and US
influence in Parliament are the two only problems I face. None will ever
explain sufficiently the reasons a bunch of idiots who are less famous than I
am, got the fame money by helping Industry fools give them cash to buy equipment
and venues through which they extract money from my family finance base by
plugging show business products into my Public image in a big US entertainment
Market, would get off spending the money to build me various barriers to what I
am doing with myself but that is exactly what has happened, thereby leading to
the conclusion that all is good about Celebrity save we have a cross on the box
that says 'the money they have got' and this makes it a problem. It would seem
I am stuck with me as a result and that I have called to question their so
called success but these activities are never carried out by people who are
famous for being famous, we find such people have problems and some problems
get solved, so they are not necessarily people you dream of getting involved
with - these goons are the gits that spend their time running off LGBTQ
nonsense on people’s lives for financially profitable corruption of involvement
that has a lot to do with handling the livelihood while having a crowd on the
door step of their victims enforcing their will thereafter get Industry gits
spending money on them to help them secure equipment and venues for extracting
money from other people’s family finance base, completely talentless, building
me stupid Publicity and making a mess of the security parts of my wealth Equity
structures with every public appearance associated with a mental health the
idiots actually should seek Medical assistance for. They really have nothing to
do with me - what we find stories about criminals buying show business products
while I show up to rob shoulders actually mean is that they want to keep my
assets if they got involved with it in anyway and the application is one of
those scenarios that should end with the trouble makers grabbing the fame and
then the ego goons getting involved with Politicians to grab it back and then
the civil rights movements grabbing it back from the ego goons again, which
comes with all the bottom hurting gimmicks in the world.
They do
say my activities add up to witchcraft which is to be judged in terms of their
community croons sharing my personal space right up to my bed chamber
relentlessly and every single day and night churning my tummy with distant
violence for every move I make which disrupts their stupidities booing and
cooing and mooing it all day into getting peace and quiet which they do not get
from their children through it. The issue then being that it’s a Court system I
build to help me look after a Public service social life that is the witchcraft
and it appears another instance where somebody is saying or doing something to
detach me from my career and drag me into a place where others have an
advantage in a fight where they called the shots and the scum who complain
about me over their culture and society did not look like that before we ended
up with the current history we have as it were. They do say I appear to have a
need to explain myself everyday which the reason people are think I am doing
witchcraft and its utter nonsense as what is happening is me stuffing them with
what I know so when they chase my Public image, they rebuild it by dispersing
facts about what I am really like - a twin issue of wrestling back control from
their community insolence while treating them like animals as well.
I have been
told I believe myself to be anything like Celebrities but am not which is not
really an issue as I am rather more important than they are; it’s been 5 years
of the main sermon in this place being that the bottom hurting issues
associated with the sleazy world of show business where they get corrupt with
entertainment money and alternative lifestyle trouble makers will take over the
show business and they will get involved with Politicians to take it over again
and the alternative lifestyle trouble makers will take over via civil rights
again on and on, has nothing to do either with Royal Office or Political Office
service. I need my Public image to communicate with people all over the world
and what I do with myself which are shown through my Books are the talents that
I learned from when I was a child, the same way their own makes them show
business and fashion money on my Public image, I have had enough of their
interference and want them to vacate it completely. The theory that there is no
way I can enforce this is not one that is based on fact as they are usually
split between them the rich idiots who are Celebrities and show up here to make
a mess of a business that involves writing Equities that companies can buy and
deploy to make products, leaving me penniless to show that they always get what
they want since buying a Book to do what you like with the copy that you
purchased was simply too much for them all together – the other two sections
are Industry goons that passed exams in school before everybody else for
obvious reasons and are always the brains behind the stupidities we see them
exhibit and cannot keep imagination off peoples private parts – while the other
are the silly women who will basically consider what women normally do and then
set about cheating right up to the stage where they gather crowds to threaten
me and chase money on my Public image and or seek out friends from overseas
that will show up to churn my tummy and create their careers that will last the
rest of their lives and involve bottom feeding to get imagination up my anus
every time they see me. It is rather simple enough if I have said that I am
done tolerating what they consider to be the benefits of their interference
with my Public image and the Bookshop all together – the other gits that are
always making statements about Royalty I will be when they say so will likely
secure an appropriate response when they wreck mine as it were.
We must
deal with some reference being made to my relationship with the Royal Family,
my Office, or my Public image, either as something they want to make their own
or something they must handle because I am becoming an increasing threat to
them due to the harm, they do me every day, especially the radio waves idiots
beating me down through out while I chase my daily concerns. As long as I don’t
have to deal with any stupid statements, publicity and selfies that continue
this nonsense, including their involvement with what I do with my Publishers,
there is then no likelihood of seeing me set about attacking conferences that
they must attend to sell music CDs, Books and Films, the Red Carpets they must
appear on to make their deals with the media and every other part of their
careers that really have nothing to do with me all together – any selfies or
Publicity I see deployed to affect my relationship with the Royals and my
Office or Public image will be taken up and used to run the Bookshop, so they
might challenge me with that stupid famous idiots random hatred if they wanted
to see what will become of it when it was taken seriously enough as well. They
have continued to say that they are stronger than I am which implies I am an
Arch Prince by magic but we all know it can either put its own it and get it
back so we may see what they look like when they do, or it can keep its mouth
firmly shut and lay off my case.
The other
part of this story being that if the way I talk was taken into account at the
Monarchy, people would get attacked and this is when their place as middle
class who benefit from my work protecting them from bottom hurting goons,
appear to have found another exit from what they really should be fighting,
which does not involve fighting me all together – where we find that the alarm
bells would not ring at the Monarchy if they did not corrupt my state provided
security with their private security Industry stupidities talking nonsense at
me all the time, to suggest I think I will one day get justice towards their
activities but all I will get is corruption; the output is that I don’t have a
normal life, mine is the Public image and the Office to support the general
population who have a normal life that involves building their families and
finance base and getting a social life, what then happens being that as long as
this nonsense persists, the idea is that I am being violated while I am doing
these duties – it’s impossible for them to pin it on me, they simply must
vacate the Public image and keep off my concerns. So I have been told this is
war and peace I am talking about and yes it is; we know that every wars and
illegal wars that have been fought on this planet in the last decade had
eventually all fed into the privileges a handful of badly raised idiots who
want to introduce themselves to others as people who always get what they want,
wish to develop for themselves and Celebrities are foremen and forewomen for
this; they have just decided that mine is now the only safe place around and I
am so badly behaved I cannot be seen jeopardising a Royal Office and a Literary
Empire Bookshop to lose something to embattled women and I have really had
enough of it as well; it needs to get a Book and then it can do whatever it
wants with the bits it has paid for, or I will sack their own as well.
Politics is another instance where my Books have far reaching effects and the
likelihood is that if they have not explored it for the benefit of the Public,
they will not release it for the market, so the only way I can earn from it, is
to eliminate Celebrity involvement completely; there are many reasons to do so
as well, one of them being that in just two years of seeing my Books, the need
to make me a character that was victim to show business ruthlessness has grown too
such as extent that they have completely destroyed the wealth equity systems
that I have built to allow young people get involved with popularity and
Industry and avoid the gangs and crime in the process, then decided once done,
that I was responsible for their security and we can see clearly, not least the
way they believe a Court system and a Coven exists to serve them and build
their global reputation especially if it belongs to others setting the stage
for outcomes where people will lose their lives and they will chase my bottom
for it again as it were. I have already tolerated enough of the alternative
lifestyle bullying of people I have established a relationship with at this
stage, considering it is the way they make their own fame, but it is the manner
they handle my Books and derivatives to get rich fast that will be their
undoing as it were. They do claim their fear to be that I am very likely to
join in on the whole war of the world thing but I don’t see how their
righteousness works when they are the main beneficiaries of all the wars that
have taken place so far either – they have this behaviour of waiting until
those that are wading these issues are weary, then they strike but I too have
also developed a way to look like I am down and out over matters of people
disrespecting my religious believes to a point where they simply enjoy wanting
to see me at the mercy of everything associated financial corruption that has
permeated mainstream living, hence they always tend to calculate it wrongly
each time they tackle me. It feeds into the terrorism issues I cleared up
during the memorial for the last terror attacks in the UK, when I said they and
their well-off neighbourhood gimmicks know more about terrorism than the
innocent people who get killed so their Politicians might perform beauty
parades thereafter. As for the fighting and war thing that I will be doing, we
all know they know nothing about it and that they are always a gift to the
villains who show up to count the bottoms they have struck because they passed
exams in school and made money, hence need to destroy lives to keep their habit
going, so when they see service operatives, they become fat cats and the
service operatives are people whose self-confidence never wanes, until soldiers
commit suicide. The wider story is that heroes always think that people should
never pitch inequities against each other and ought to think about it lest
their own gets pitched as well, while villains believe in the picking up career
where others left off and the bottom chasing – so the position of heroes tends
to solve so many problems in this place and ensure that only the jobs that need
to be done to establish the safety and security of the population is done –
what we have seen these goons do with it is a classic case of not letting
sleeping dogs lie; where they go off to bother the service operatives and it
will be a case of talents they must see and how each of the talents will end in
their stupidities getting killed, then there are those who get really bad
publicity especially the ones that are good at handling women concerns and only
when women are allowed to take part in active service are given an opportunity
to understand where they are coming from and why they tend to get all over the
place very easily. In 7 years I have not had a day’s break from Celebrities
getting off their own careers where they buy equipment and venues to engage
with the public in a way that gets people feeling the pinch at family finance
base, to interfere with my Public image, pass insults at me and expect me to
make it easy for them to move on, even though I want them to move away from it,
once they had gotten addicted and it really is setting a stage for choices I
will have to make.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland