Daily affairs, commute, career mobility and social property insults
I am told Politicians claimed my career ought to pass to
more important persons but it is an example of the way that spending their
schedule on their own narcissism could easily become a matter of national
concern, considering they see evidences endlessly that it was a matter of what
I invested in what I owned and the work I did for it, not what the Monarchy
gave me, the reason it was important to spend their schedule on it and play
with heart disease at their expense as well, being that if I left, the system
would decide I had to return, there will be a need to spend their schedule on
my own narcissism all together soon enough.
They claim I had become a character people could attack
without consequences which I am not, it is the story of cracked up abusive well
off neighbourhood gits doing what they usually did, as per ripping peoples
careers, second guessing authority when somebody else was being made to suffer
and generally pretending that other people would not want to use its
disposition as somebody who had ripped up so many lives to get ahead and now
needs another to cover its backside as a means of self-defence, it hurts so much
when it lip flaps to an extent where I needed to point out it thinks it is
better than me but is actually not. Here it is said that I had cast myself as
enemy of progress which is not the case as it relies on me to make available my
personal life and career publicity for gimmicks that will allow them compound
their condition by trading career mobility, the academic pursuits and time
spent at the work environment, people met etc, on immoral society gimmicks,
then fester around my concerns to ensure that the way I did the public work was
made available to their stupidities to ensure they did not smell bad, whilst
confiscating my outdoor activities with astrology and alpha course gimmicks,
issues threats when I smell bad but does not follow though so I really need to
move on and it needs to make comments about its own life and career, show up
here only to engage with a Bookshop. It is one of those matters when during
early days one might consider the state of culture with respect to their
entitled abuses and say that perhaps completing the academic pursuits and
career in order to show one could get ahead was not the meaning of life after
all, since it was possible to tell unlike they were able to discern, that if
crimes were committed, the public that suffers from the crime and the
government that pays to incarcerate criminals who knew better, suffered the
most, at this point the fact they got ahead is some sort of alleviation for
their stupidities.
In the end I am told my antagonising Liberals was
counterproductive but I am not antagonising them, dropping out of University
because they were keen to build another one of those gimmicks they built every
single decade in which there was Police on one side and neighbourhoods infested
with crime that they could do nothing about on the other, only to be persecuted
everyday because they could not have enough of the business where they took
advantage of what was left of the career is intolerable, I think my response is
appropriate. On the point that I am vulnerable to them, if it continues to dig
up my history of inaction with respect to their gimmicks, I will end up with a
raft of mistresses, talking about a mistress at the door every time something
tickles me situation and they have already seen that I am a hermit and do not
need mistresses for sexual purposes, so by the time we got to the other end of
the matter, I will have fucked up over with it as they say, thoroughly – in the
meantime, the abusive communities and society of poofs will get no responses
from me, so that their stupidities might have to tidy it up – after 2 decades I
am now able to make sense of what their stupidities were saying to people, to
relentlessly and endlessly and it is not clear what my exact condition was,
should I end up in a marital relationship, it will dissipate due to companionship
in about 4 weeks and my partner will have misgivings about what they married. They
speak of being immune to my responses naturally which is understood but I am
certain that is only likely to produce the result where I took up that stupid
crowd they built on my doorstep and worked it alongside their famous idiots
picking up my public life, to ensure their stupid existence was something I
pursued with an objective and a deadline in mind, I would fancy it kept mum and
read a Book or let me be and kept its money, currently I am only just using
what was originally the means to ensure opinionated ageists carried around my
career information like PR I did not need to fund, whilst they suggest it was
part of a process where I had no idea what I am doing and criticised people to
get by, hence their involvement means that I am also likely to take advantage
of civil service regrets such as bad history with tac man and other things that
affects a social standing, to churn their tummy the way they did mine.
They do boast that their people had made a complete mess of
my life and they have not, it is the same blame culture idiots who attack law
enforcement all the time when they were not working with opinionated ageists
and burning down peoples buildings in a riot if their stupidities were affected
too – the real problem is still the same idiots that have built the media
narcissism over my career publicity and run it through to a point where they
complained about the way they were affected for dabbling whilst the way I was
affected did not matter at all, to such an extent we ended up at the other end,
getting accustomed to it and listening to more insults on what we were supposed
to do to make their stupidities comfortable considering the new problems they
have created from clinging to Royal personality for narcissism happiness and
arriving at a stage where there was so much happiness that they were selling
some by making narcissism advertisement that allowed their stupidities to
express violence in my direction from a distance to any extent they wanted,
ripping up everything in this place and following on their stupidities by
suggesting it was all my fault. There have been years of warnings up to this
point and during those times a follow on process of ensuring their parents and
employers were informed, I had also warned the idiots that I will begin taking
another step that involved picking up their jobs to make demands until they
lost it, this has now presented itself as the available option, since in the
last 8 years, having set out bookshop work on a monthly basis, each time I had
moved on to another month, the previous was put to practical jokes until they
wrecked everything, followed up with working me for homelessness alongside
their social security office gits – I am now at the point where it had become
clear that getting my social media and bookshop numbers up was a matter of the
idea that the Bookshop had to be absolutely perfect and even that was not
enough to guarantee results, so I will begin to attack anything that is playing
a part in the idea my career is meant to cover the backsides of famous idiots
and anything that had continued to pursue me making a mess and reading
astrology around here since the University drop out debacle, I will do it
dancing to the tune of their stupidities telling me I deserved everything I got
because of their stupid size, find out how much of a fucking gut they really
had and what that size was really worth too. without sounding like the
feminists, it was difficult to determine what their problem was – cannot
breathe unless I got into a fight and they knew I would get into trouble with
the law, cannot breathe if I stood up for myself because they had a need to
tell me what to do and needed ownership of National Media and National Politics
to manage the stress associated with my response and if they got into a fight
needed my entire career as a soothing factor for people who got ill because
they got into a fight on my behalf, talking nonsense over their insolent
narcissistic trading platform ideas that I am a war monger who thinks that the
male population did not matter. At this stage they claim I still expected them
to get into a war and yes I do, I expect them to get involved with wars whilst
I spurt all this about their size and fucking guts, depending on how long I
spent on social security to tolerate their insults and practical jokes, unless
the King again intervenes to suggest that they were doing it because I am a
coward, allowing them to create another global level mess for everybody, I
expect to eventually find out what their problem is. Naturally they suggest it
will jeopardise people who agreed with me at the security services which is
very well, as they do speak of lessons I have learned whilst having not learned
their own well enough as well.
They claim government needs more information on my
activities as it is assumed that I am alright but those who know understand I
am a threat to society – utter nonsense naturally like the story that the
reasons their stupidities had not narcissism media and violence at me from a
distance leaving me feeling sore all day, claim that the reasons I had not
gotten physically attacked due to their feelings in my direction was one of
pity, whereby it was clear that people this brave would normally have known that
ripping up a victims academic pursuits and finances over 2 decade period, would
lead to an outcome where you wanted to attack them but are filled with pity or
perhaps they are concerned I might respond and given the situation I faced, the
Police might let me walk away. It is a matter of a stupid idea they had
developed about 7 years ago, that bearing in mind intellectual property
administration work that I am doing and the lack of respect for my person for
the purpose of this work which had arrived at a point where my finances were
affected so they could cling to the income structures, the way I stood up for
myself had to pass onto people who were more willing to get into a fight on
their behalf than I am, with no concern for the fact idiots who wanted to do
such things would also want to get after my career, so where we are with a
problem they created for themselves and the fact I only wanted the career
finance structures and royal public image back or I will raze their world for
them, nothing unpredictable unlike they claim I am. The Celebrities also lived
under the same delusion that I am in a very complicated situation whereas it
had not yet developed into a case where the fact I am not affected by their
famous persons insults had been converted into a career barrier by a stupid
crowd that was responsible for all the stress in this place, ensuring their
gimmicks got to me to such an extent that they were able to work those
narcissist fantasies into my privacy and down my underwear in public and
private spaces everyday – not yet a case where I decided this stupid crowd
meeting with celebrities and vice versa was a threat to my well being and
safety, to which effect we will end up with exactly the same situation the
society gits were complaining about over male community insults media
narcissism. On the point that the threats were not stopping especially where
Americans were concerned but it has never been an issue as the idiots were not
spending their time and schedule to tackle me, they were spending mine i.e. I
allowed it because it has provoked me enough for me to do so; the fact they
have been claiming I was working with communists against the west, to share US
National defence budget was one outcome, another was the claim they were
fighting communists on my behalf and now had their own corner at the security
services, living with the muse that I am not as they assumed, unable to manage
such gimmicks, the one I cannot ignore is the daily complaints that Politicians
were being made to pay attention to whilst we know all of this nonsense was an
idea they invented. They do go on to claim I am a fake American friend whilst
we know their need to get around with communists and persecute people was a
well established fact, not to mention the media narcissism that substitutes
real academic pursuits and the academic pursuits that are used to punish those
who failed to comply with their abusive popularity, eventually in my case, when
I set out equity to help people create products that would provide the setting
to baby sit a bunch of gits who spent their income fighting everybody else, they
attacked it and converted it into a new civil rights which existed solely to
tear up my career and finances, which changes nothing as they were now the only
group of people who possessed the money to buy products that was showing up at
the market place, so I will need to develop another equitable structure for
people to sell them products that will help baby sit them and for the
Celebrities especially it becomes eventually a matter of building my own crowd
of people who want to share their income by abusing them.
In my Libra world everything is fine, I only need put my
finances together, mostly however, I had business with Government, was writing
some Books for my position, both public and public control work were up to
standard – the government could say that if it was up to me alone, I could
devise the means by which Policy was made and could split the population into
elderly, children and workers, without any major discrepancies showing up where
secondary governance was concerned, the rest had nothing to do with me and I do
not need help from Celebrities for my public image, to manage corrupt American
security services staff or to manage my public work and career publicity, they
rip up everything here on the one matter and claim it was a case of American
power, naturally which it usually looks like this, abuses and shame and women
showing up all over my profession and career to bare it and bare the teeth,
bare the body and then bare mine as well, build a community that fingers my bum
over my public image and cling to my financial wellbeing, before the fall. They
now claim that I have been shown my place eventually which is incredibly
annoying: considering what has really happened is that they were not addicted
to something, fighting for their lives, due to the fact that they enjoyed
nothing else but the need to extract money from other people income streams,
for the Celebrities it was a habit, no matter what they already owned. There
was the point raised that it seemed others were in getting involved with my
affairs, paying the price for my failures and there is really no such thing;
they decided that the way I stood up for myself should pass onto those who were
more willing to get into a fight on their behalf, to enhance their sense of
importance whilst I would be made to find an alternative way to stand up for
myself, it was the fun part, this part where I spent years getting the
narcissism from these fools off my affairs to a point where they understood
well the consequences of not keeping it away, to a point where another few
years of my time was spent appearing to owe them a debt of affection, hence
they had built a new one. I fancy the gimmicks were kept away from my Books and
the paying client since there is a complaint everyday about my assumption that
those who failed to do so loved to complain about me and I ought to respond
accordingly – so we see that the problem was a Book in a Bookshop which
belonged to me and was my bread and butter. On the point that I can only play
these games for as much as I had means to play it, the principle then come into
force that it was a matter of the horror of not being able to imagine that the
worst possible way that a person could be treated was set out for me by idiots
who did not even know my name and were only interested in selling my
personality for their own popularity, and they got people hopelessly relying on
it for a livelihood, which is also about to give way to a result where a sense
that their society was something people should sell for money caught on,
especially as each time I told them off, the narcissism claimed everything that
occurred was my fault, I am the provocateur and if they cannot beat me they
joined me, ordered my steps and spent my public life on themselves with a media narcissism.
This is what we end up with, it is not unusual at all, the
normal results when it is not yet a case of Libra versus society with Politicians caught in the middle, trying
to make sense of somebody whose very nature was fundamentally developed against
the wealth and social inequality issues that other people faced and was not
going anywhere, being resolved, so for the time being, Scorpio had a natural
right to investigate law enforcement on behalf of criminal society and build a
community that grooms people into position whereby they can accurately judge
what is under peoples clothes, finger bums and fondle penises, the rest were
famous and loved to do stupid things with peoples lives every time that were
chasing money, so they fondled penises and fingered bums and blamed those who
did not get into a fight with Scorpios that they had come to befriend,
especially when famous, poof Leo having the right to get them involved with my
privacy. It is not really a crisis, I want them keeping their gimmicks off the
Bookshop and the reading clients, as what I write is none of their business
more so, if they had no interest in paying for it i.e. the main reasons my
finances were in such a bad state, complaining to the Politicians about me as
well, every day. From their point of view, I am in grave danger, reality says
they only had the German influence supported media narcissism to spend my
public life on themselves and a stupid crowd that was the source of all stress
which they claimed were fans and if I had decided these two were such grave
threats to me that Politicians had to pay attention, then will we find out what
other options they had left i.e. it is not actually true like some people have
suggested, that I am worried responding to this nonsense was the wrong thing to
do, they raise the issues everyday like they wanted details, so I am happy to
supply. There was the question of whether I had a sustainable way to handle the
matter save just blowing back at the chaff, there is nothing serious to be
concerned about in it as such – the old question that has manifested itself to
get them expressing how much they hated me in that the early days when I ended
up dropping out of University over their need to follow me around and cling to
my personality for popular culture money was ageism associated with the fact I
was younger, now it is about the idea I am a low life who knows what a career
is and poses a threat to younger people who are starting out, with Celebrities
stifling my finances to make me fight for them like an insane person, which
should add up to ageism that was to do with the fact I am older than they are –
that if these activities of ageism were channelled at me because I am younger
than they are, what do we say they are doing when they did the same things to people
who were of the same age, that if it is nepotism to channel it at me on behalf
of their children because I am older, what rights would they like to award my
children whom due to their interference with my schedule will be younger than
their own, in order to continue the cycle? The bigger picture being the
question of the fact that if I am handling them well, I should not assume
others had the schedule to do it as well, hence the question of the fact that
those they perform their ageism on when around the same age as they were, were
a few years away from retirement, so what do we do when the ageism feeds into
the way that goods and services were being delivered and consumed? It needs to
stay away from my Books and the reading clients, or I continue to assume they
loved complaining about me, as in, I have burned half that show business and
will likely pursue it to the tourist and holiday destinations as well.
Here it is said that I looked battered but am really not,
just as much as it is said everything was difficult for me and that it did not
do to spew hatred – I am fine, it is the matter of when a prospect had progressed
to broker and become a client at which point it would be said that I had earned
a contract, if Celebrities decided it, hence I am cash strapped being abused
violently and humiliated everyday by the same idiots who created the situation
on Media and I am not spewing hatred either, it is not clear what motivates
this people to convert my entire career into a gimmick they got involved with
for a self-improvement high, leaving me on social security to tolerate famous scum
who took over my schedule but were not here to buy and read Books, what has
created real friction being the way that spent what money they had getting around
with some Scorpio guys who were busy investigating law enforcement on behalf of
criminal society, to finish off extracting money from my own public life which
they shared with criminals that wanted to read astrology and sell drugs,
finishing off with a Media narcissism where they claimed it was my fault for
not getting into a fight with somebody on their behalf and set about segmenting
neighbourhoods to avoid living with what they created as though I am a magician
that could make it all go away, whilst they believed they could walk on water,
if astrology told them they could not make a leaving Libra stay, so it is the
parents of the criminals fingering my bum and fondling my penis so I cannot
step outside and pursue my affairs, whilst they hope to find ways they could
continue involvement and sell bits of my concerns to make more money. The threats
are usually good anyway, if they were living up to it on their own schedule, so
we may find out what it is exactly that they have got.